Vassura – Baroncini new music school

The home of the new music school is inside the Complesso dell’Annunziata, that dates back to 1585 when Lady Faustina Machirelli Carradori ordered construction of the female Franciscan monastery, of which she then became abbess until 1601.

Over the following years the number of nuns grew notably and in 1798, in the period of abolition, it also gave refuge to the Poor Clares (the Order of Saint Clare) who had been expulsed from the Convent of Santo Stefano. In 1823 L’ Annunziata passed to the Alunne di San Giuseppe, one of the many organizations that helped young orphans, and was transformed in a more recent period (1913) into the Carolina Ponti Orphanage for Girls. The building was modified frequently over time and partially reconstructed; among these works are an adaptation by the architect Luigi Orsini for the opening, in 1905, of the Girls’ School for Professional Training.

The convent was used for teaching during most of the 20th century; until 1977 it hosted the Cassiano Professional Institute of Imola. A total of 1,200 square metres, divided over two floors, will become the new home of the Music school. The supply systems in particular were renovated and restored, as were the rooms which were then adapted and equipped for music.

Vassura – Baroncini new music school
via F.lli Bandiera 19
tel. 0542.602470
fax 0542.602495
e-mail: [email protected]
Accessible to the disabled
Opening hours:
(during the school year)
Monday 2.00pm-9.00pm
Tuesday and Wednesday 10.00am-9.00pm
Thursday and Friday 10.00am-8.30pm
Saturday 2.00pm-6.00pm

(in the summertime)
from Tuesday to Friday 10.00am to 1.00pm; Tuesday also from 3.00pm to 6.00pm
Closed from 1st to 20th of August included